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Delta State has tremendous potentials in agriculture. My administration will pursue multiple strategies that will boost agricultural produce and encourage the free market for raw materials and foodstuffs. Our asset-based economic growth strategy will engender inclusive growth, job creation, and re-birth of local communities.
I shall engage the youth in farming through a structured process that will encourage cluster farming alongside supporting and promoting out-growers associations. Robust and focused agricultural extension services will be put in place to support the farmers. Input provision, mechanization and cooperative faming will be aggressively pursued.
There will be a structured relationship with the farming population with a view to enhancing production, storage and marketing; provision and improvement of transportation infrastructure in the rural areas to facilitate movement of farm produce. Is is my earnest desire to encourage and create the enabling environment for commercial farming to thrive through the private sector and Public/Private Partnership. I will ensure the active participation of the Local Government Areas in the development of agriculture. The agro-ecological diversity of the state in upland, lowland, and riverine sectors will be taken into consideration in developing agriculture and agro-business. In doing so, I shall seek collaboration with Local Government as well as cooperation/collaboration with agencies of the Federal Government and global institutions. There is no gainsaying the fact that success in the agricultural and agro-business sector will provide multiplier effects on security and peace building through job creation.


Delta State is the home, historically, for commercial activities. Definite steps shall be taken to create conducive business environment that will attract commercial businesses and private sector investments from outside and within the country, and thereby boost employment opportunities. The evidence as of today is one in which we need more involvement in the development of agro-based industries .In the same way, the multiple products and by-products of the oil and gas available int he state deserve better focus for industrialization which, in turn, will foster increased commerce. I shall utilize the senatorial basis and local government features of the state to drive theses areas of focus.
Already, the state , under the outgoing administration, has embarked upon certain large industrial activities such as the Warri Industrial Business Park, Free Economic Zones, and 10 small scale industries under Public/Private Partnership scheme. If completed by 2015, my administration shall accelerate the positive challenges that these mega industrial activities will offer. If not fully completed, I shall see to it that these valuable economic activities are duly completed, and engage the private sector effectively to drive commerce and grow industries. The state under my leadership will work closely with relevant agencies of the Federal Government in commerce and industry.

Louis Osiobe
State Webmaster

Delta State now has thirty green houses for the production of tomato's with eleven already cultivated, each green house to produce about three tonnes

John Okoro

Thanks Delta State and my Governor, for the Accelerated Agricultural Development Scheme (AADS) i have a job to feed my family

Edafe Akudo

Am so grateful your excellency, Thanks for the Grain , Now i have more then enough for the planting season

Louis Osiobe
State Webmaster

Delta State now has thirty green houses for the production of tomato's with eleven already cultivated, each green house to produce about three tonnes

John Okoro

Thanks Delta State and my Governor, for the Accelerated Agricultural Development Scheme (AADS) i have a job to feed my family

Edafe Akudo

Am so grateful your excellency, Thanks for the Grain , Now i have more then enough for the planting season

Louis Osiobe

I reported a poorly done job in our community like a joke the government responded and called the contractor to order . Am glad that i am a voice of change.JOHN

Louis Osiobe

Thanks for doing what you do. Our health center has now been renovated am thankful. JOY

Louis Osiobe

Am amazed to how fast the response in 72 hours the contractor who abandoned his job retuned to site. thanks for been there for us. Juliet


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Do You Know Rt. Hon. (Chief) Sheriff F. O. Oborevwori

Do you know He was the : .

First Speaker of the Delta State House of Assembly to become Governor?
First Speaker of the Delta State House of Assembly to do two separate tenures as Speaker of the House
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Louis Osiobe
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