Environment sustainability is important to our state as it is to the national and global communities. In managing the environment better we must recognise and respond adequately to the varying challenges in different parts of the state. The environmental challenges include those associated with oil and gas exploration, solid waste disposal/management, erosion and flood control, land degradation, deforestation and the increasing risks from climate change. With respect to management of solid waste, I shall emphasise programmes and projects that will recycle and convert our waste to wealth.
The equally challenging matter of climate change as reflected in the recent flooding of our communities has added to the traditional problems of erosion and the need to care seriously for drainage systems and the water-ways as much as we acre for the roads and road transportation. Indeed caring for the water-ways is itself a source of employment and of contribution to a health environment in which our communities live. I shall devote time and resources to these challenges.
During my tenure as a Governor, at least one city or urban settlement in each of the 10 federal constituencies will be designated for comprehensive renewal. My administration shall focus on creating and improving on the internal road networks, dualisation where necessary, drainage, construction of bridges and flyovers, erosion control, modern transportation facilities, and provision of electricity and other public utilities. The development of roads, bridges, and ancillary infrastructure will ease commercial activities and, consequently, enhance economic growth and personal well being of Deltans.
I shall also embark on beautification driven by cultural uniqueness, basic facilities unique to each city or urban area, environmental improvement and the general atmosphere of such towns/cities to endear our people to remain in thesis areas, and for others to return home to settle.